Hi Bill,

Yes, I wouldn't recommend that method for general use.
update-alternatives is used allot with things like GCC tool chain
testing, JRE environments etc.

I'll probably just install another Ubuntu image (16.04), as that's
easier (and safer), but there are issues for me elsewhere (non-JT
related) on 16.04 that has kept me moving to 16.04 completely.

Greg, KI7MT

On 07/01/2016 08:44 AM, Bill Somerville wrote:
> On 01/07/2016 15:02, KI7MT wrote:
>> I'll test this today, but, in theory, one should be able to use the QT
>> opensource-installer for Linux and then update-alternatives, something
>> along the lines of:
>> * sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/qmake" qmake
>> "/opt/Qt5.5.1/5.5.1/gcc_64/bin/qmake" 1
>> * sudo update-alternatives --set qmake /opt/Qt5.5.1/5.5.1/gcc_64/bin/qmake
>> Obviously, one needs to change the version / path to match what and
>> where the new QT5 version is installed.
> Hi Greg,
> not sure I understand, surely it would be easiest to upgrade the o/s 
> version rather than mess around with installing multiple versions of Qt. 
> Debian and RedHat already have Qt 4 and Qt 5, adding another Qt 5 
> version is asking for problems.
> 73
> Bill
> G4WJS.

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