On 04/12/2016 05:24, Black Michael wrote:
Should be able to auto extract the revision and stick it an include file so it can be part of any source archive. The source archives will HAVE to produce this otherwise apps like JTAlert will not know what version they're talking to. I did that before with CVS instead of using the macros for just that reason.

As for git...the SHA values are useless aren't they (other than being unique)? How are you supposed to be able to tell what's more current without looking at the whole git log? Or am I missing some magic there? Perhaps if we switch to git we just switch to manually incrementing the old SVN number. It really doesn't have to increment with every CM update -- just being a number that NEVER goes backwards or changes to some funky git thing is all that's needed. As long as backwards compatibility is maintained it's trivial for an app to say "if revision > XXXX then....

Hi Mike,

the information that I am calling revision, e.g. SVN change number or git SHA or part thereof, all suffer from the same issue in that they *do not* reflect the generation, in time, of a software application. This is because of branching in source control systems which means that a single linear progression is incapable of determining "maturity". Older source control systems like Subversion use an incrementing change number, modern distributed source control systems recognize that such numbers are no more that unique tags and any further analysis is futile in all but the most trivial code lines. For a concrete and very likely example, we will branch the WSJT-X code line just before the GA release of v1.7.0 and then do some changes to the trunk development branch which would be v1.8.0-rc1. At first glance the higher change numbers on the trunk would imply the latest functionality. That's fine until we find a defect in the v1.7.0 release that must be fixed by a patch release, say v1.7.1, which would then have a higher change number than the the trunk or any other branch.

I understand Laurie's desire to differentiate by change number but I also doubt that the revision information will be helpful other than in isolated edge cases e.g. when a particular specific revision is known to be broken. You suggest that a manually generated version number be applied which follows a strict numeric generation. That must be capable of convening the complexities of branch generations. We already have exactly that in the version number.

It is both unfortunate and useful that many testers go on air with pre-release revisions, this is not something we wish to control other than reminding users that they must build the product themselves, stay up to date, be systematic and responsive in reporting issues and, understand that support will be limited at best, especially with revisions that are stated as not yet fit for use on air. The same rules must also apply to users of other products that work with WSJT-X and are sensitive to WSJT-X functionality. We have a release schedule, it may be a bit slower than some desire but remember that new ground is being broken with each release, for example two whole new communication protocols (QRA64 and MSK144) in v1.7 and these facilities require enormous effort to even get to the initial limited capability that can be alpha tested on the bands let alone polished enough for general use with the technical support requirement that implies.


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