On 05/08/2017 11:06, Alessandro Gorobey via wsjt-devel wrote:
in manual r8003 in section "12.2. Decoded Lines"for FT8 is missed the "?" simbol description I see in ALL.TXT a lot of lines with "a1", but some also with "? a1" as in follow

084830 -21  0.1  939 ~  CQ DL1KSW JO30         a1
084830 -23  0.2 1013 ~  CQ DL9SUB JO53       ? a1

In the manual there is a full description of -r --rig-name option, but no note on -c --config

By the way referring to big success of FT8 in line 113 of main.cpp FT8 is missed. See wsjtx --help

Hi Sandro,

the '?' lower confidence decode marker is described in the "AP Decoding" section just above.

I have made the other changes you have suggested, thanks!


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