Hi there,

I successfully built wsjt-x on Debian Stretch yesterday. The existing INSTALL 
file is not up-to-date. You guys might be interested by the steps I had to go 
through in order to build wsjt-x.

Starting from a fresh Stretch install (Debian 9.4): (apt-get update + upgrade + 
dist-upgrade Stretch)

I could not find build-essentials in the repo (I seem to remember that name but 
that was a very long time ago), so I had to:
apt-get install gcc g++ fortran cmake (lowercase; CMake does not exist) texinfo 
libtool automake (autoreconf is not a package)
apt-get install git subversion (svn is not a package) asciidoc asciidocto 
apt-get install qt5.7 qt5libmultimedia-dev qt5widgets qt5base5-dev 
qtmultimedia5-dev libqtseriqlport5 lib5qt5serialport5-dev
apt-get libudev-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev fftw3-3-dev libfftw3-dev

default versions of gcc/g++ is gcc6.

When you local repo is updated, then (as detailed in the INSTALL)
get source: wget —no-ckeck-certificates https://physics..../wsjtx-1.9.0-rc4.tgz 
and untar in your <build repo>
build: cmake —build <build rep>
install cmake —build <build rep> —target install

et hop !

done (it took a night to a "VIA Epia" cell with 1Gb mem and 500Gb disk to 

There is a big load of warnings when compiling the fortran source files but I 
saw something about that on the reflector some days ago.


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