About a year ago a VHF contest mode was discussed and the NA VHF contest
mode was implemented. The Region 1 contest VHF mode was specified, but is
not yet implemented.

Each morning there is a fair amount of MS using MSK144 going on on 2 m in
Europe, see www.on4kst.org/chat/login.php?band=2 FT8 is being used more and
more on VHF. Both modes are not well suited for European contests as the
full 6-digit locator and often also needed serial number must be send as
free text.

As the fox/hound stuff has been implemented now I hope it is time for
the Region
1 contest VHF submode in at least MSK144 and FT8 as specified below with
the full 6-digit locator, a report and an up to 4-digit serial number. The
top score on 144 MHz has been above 1.100 QSO's so in rare cases the serial
number can be above 999. Many contest stations have /P in their call, so
this suffix is also needed in the contest VHF mode.

To prevent confusion WSJT-X should be able to recognize when the other
party is using a VHF contest mode.

73, Palle, OZ1RH.

On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 8:49 PM, Joe Taylor <j...@princeton.edu> wrote:

> Hi Palle (and other VHF+ contest enthusiasts in IARU Regioin 1),
> Thanks for the suggestions you posted to wsjt-devel concerning VHF+
> contest exchanges in EU.
> I have been sketching out some possible enhanced 75-bit message structures
> for FT8 mode aimed (among other things) at supporting your Region 1
> contests.
> I would appreciate your comments on the following model contest QSO
> structure based roughly on common HF contest practices:
> 1. CQ G4ABC IO91
> 2.                        G4ABC PA9XYZ JO22
> 3. PA9XYZ 590003 IO91NP
> 4.                        G4ABC R 570007 JO22DB
> 5. PA9XYZ G4ABC RR73
> The 4-character locators in messages 1 and 2 are redundant (and anyway
> optional).  But they cost nothing to include, and they do provide some
> useful initial information.
> The first two digits of the exchanges in messages 3 and 4 are an "RS"
> signal report.  Because of the strong forward error correction in FT8, the
> first digit will always be "5".  The second digit would be the FT8 S/N
> reading mapped onto a S1 to S9 scale, using 6 dB per S unit. Something like
> S1=-24, S2=-18, ... S9=+24 dB.
> Is this an acceptable format for your Region 1 contest exchanges?  Do you
> think FT8 might be a popular mode for some use in EU VHF+ contests?
>         -- 73, Joe, K1JT
> On 6/30/2017 7:37 PM, Palle Preben-Hansen, OZ1RH wrote:
>> FT8 sounds promising. Joe wrote:
>> /Three extra bits are available in the message payload, with uses yet to
>> be //defined.  We have in mind special message formats that might be used
>> in //contests, and the like.  Your considered suggestions for use of these
>> bits //are very welcome!/
>> /
>> /
>>  1. VHF contests in Europe needs the full 6 digit WWL locator like
>>     JO55*ul*. A QTH locator has always had 6 digits (or more for
>>     microwave), using only 4 digits comes from eme and has spread to HF
>>  2. Many contests needs a report and a serial number like 59*001* and
>>     even sometimes a 4 digit serial number 59*1001* when more than 1.000
>>     QSO's has been worked in the contest
>>  3. Sometimes a state/area/membership/IOTA number or similar free text
>>     needs to be transmitted. Most contest exchanges can be found in the
>>     N1MM contest program https://n1mm.hamdocs.com
>> 73, Palle, OZ1RH.
>> www.oz1rh.com <http://www.oz1rh.com>
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> ------------------
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