Good evening John,

(BTW, I tried to respond to your posted e-mail address, and the entire internet sneezed. It's a mess I tell you)

I used to explain to people that search engines such as Google could offer them some needed information much faster than asking a group of people on a news group. I should start doing that again.

Enter the following search term into Google without the square brackets as shown in the next line

[ ic-7700 serial over lan ]

and then hit enter.

My first hit was

 Icom IC7700 and Digital Modes via LAN

By George Smart M1GEO

... the link is:

scroll past the Youtube Links (beware of cat videos), and the third item down is George's settings from the Icom Remote Utility screen.

Take some time and read the entire article, and then, if you have questions, you MAY wish to communicate with George, as it appears he's already accomplished the goal you seek.

Good luck with your interface quest, and for the snipping impaired, please note I only copied the relevant portion of the digest containing reference material for the answer at hand.

73 and Happy 4th of July



<<<<<< begin massive snipping campaign >>>>>>>>

Message: 2
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2018 12:52:09 -0700
From: "John Zantek"<>
To: "'WSJT software development'"<>
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] Icom IC-7700/RS-BA1/WSJT-X
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Tnx, Neil, and I agree that there are HW workarounds to accomplish the goal.  
I?m just still amazed that additional HW would be needed, given that the 
IC-7700 has a fully functional LAN port and firmware server.  I?ve even found 
some Youtube videos ?claiming? that third party apps like FLDigi, etc., should 
work via the LAN (UDP 50001-50003) for both CAT and audio, but none have 
demonstrated it successfully.

Quite maddening for a top level rig with built-in RTTY and PSK and 
manufacturer-supplied networking tools (Remote Utility app) and full remote 
capability, albeit only with their software.  I can?t believe Icom is 
proprietary with its IP stack, as some say.

<<<<<<<< snipping is complete - please return your trays and seat backs in the upright position 

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