Good morning all,

I've noticed the last few days some odd signal artifacts on FT8 operations above 1500 Hz, in that I will see a series of equally-spaced, low level, narrow pulses that descends approximately 500 Hz, then observe a proper FT8 transmission.

So, I looked at my transceiver and saw that when going into transmit, the software would command VFO-B, VFO-A, VFO-B, then start the audio. I have the rig set for Split, and had Tx delay set to 0.1 seconds.

To play it safe, I increased Tx delay to 0.2 seconds, and confirm the VFO is settled on VFO-B before I hear the transmit sequence start.

I'm not sure why the VFO cycling is occurring, nor does it bother me. I'm not sure how each radio changes frequency, and whether any radios sweep as indicated above. It might be worthwhile to point out this potential issue, and recommend increasing Tx delay until you are sure the VFO is stable before the tone sequence starts.

Thanks and 73,


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