
I recommend that you use the same frequency plan as the upcoming Kosovo FT8 DXpedition, Z66X. The team followed the recent Baker Island frequency plan with the exception of the change to the 6 meter frequency to 50.323 MHz (which was based upon our recommendation). The one concern with the plan is that you might experience a conflict on the non-WARC (primarily 20 meters) bands on a weekend if there is a scheduled RTTY contest. There is no simple means of avoiding this type of conflict and hopefully we can all agree to share the digital bands among the digital submodes on weekends.

The Z66X frequency plan (as well as the KH1 plan) does not publish a FT8 DXpedition mode frequency for 160. I can speak for the KH1 operation where we did not plan to use the mode on that band. We did use the regular FT8 mode on 160 on 1.840 MHz and indicated that we were not in DXpedition mode by transmitting above 1 KHz. It is a challenge at this time to find a single frequency that provides world-wide access and we could not determine a simple way to operate split to work Japan and DXCC with limitations on frequency use.

Hopefully this will be adopted by other DXpeditions and provide a logical process of finding and working rare DXCC entities on FT8 DXpedition mode.


Ned / AA7A

FT8 Lead on KH1/KH7Z

On 7/21/2018 3:37 AM, Claude Frantz wrote:
Hi All,

What are, at the present time, the recommended operation frequencies for
the FT8 DXpedition mode ?

Best wishes,
Claude (DJ0OT)

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