On 10/18/2018 6:36 PM, K5GZR - Rick wrote:
In FT8 mode, selection of any one of the ‘Special operating activity’ options causes a red background ‘flag’ to appear on the WSJT-X main window just to the right of the large date and time box, indicating which activity has been selected.


In MSK144 mode, the red background ‘flag’ appears only for NA VHF and EU VHF, and not for ARRL Field Day and ARRL RTTY Roundup.   If those are valid ‘special operating activities’ for MSK144 mode, then the ‘flags’ should be shown.  If the activities are not valid for MSK144 then they should be either greyed out or omitted on the Settings-Advanced window.

From the Quick-Start Guide to WSJT-X 2.0, top of page 10:

"MSK144 cannot be used with the ARRL Field Day or ARRL RTTY Roundup message formats."

This restriction is, of course, by design. MSK144 is forbidden at HF, so useless in the RTTY Roundup; and why would anyone want to use MSK144 for Field Day?

        -- 73, Joe, K1JT

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