On 19/10/2018 11:19, John wrote:
This morning in response to an (unusual?) call sign:   E770D  (zero D) 
registered in QRZ.COM

Snippet from ALL.TXT.    Using 77 bit FT8

084130   5  0.1  471 ~  CQ E770D
084200   0  0.1  472 ~  CQ E770D
181019_084215  Transmitting 14.078 MHz  FT8:  E770D G4KLA I
084230  10  0.1  472 ~  CQ E770D
181019_084245  Transmitting 14.078 MHz  FT8:  E770D G4KLA I

Note that the trailing letters of my locator were not transmitted, or shown on 
the main panel.

Experiments show that if the call sign does not contain 3 digits, eg  E77XD 
then the transmission is correct, ie   E77XD G4KLA IO92.

Hi John,

this is a known issue with WSJT-X v2.0.0 RC3. It is not generating the Tx1 message correctly when the QSO partner's callsign is non-standard. It should be inserting their call as a hash rather than literally in that message. For now you can work around this by double-clicking the Tx1 "Now" button or the next message radio-button to disable the sending of Tx1, then make the QSO. Once the QSO is complete you can revert to sending Tx1 messages by double-clicking a Tx1 message button again.


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