Hi Folks,

Testing out RC3 today and 77-bit FT8 I found some very strong signals in
the band that were troublesome to decode.

Now, I'm fairly fluent in FT8 and I keep my Elecraft station configured
properly. NTP for time synchronization (ony a few ms divergence), AGC Off,
RF gain/ATTN set so the in-app audio meter sits at ~30dB.

Most signals are perfect. But this one today eluded me. It decoded once
at +10dB with a time delta less than 0.3. Then, subsequent cycles did not

It seems like the decoder might have been getting a bad sync. Curious if
this might just be a case of that station over-driving their transmit audio
or if something else might be afoul?  Perhaps there's drift involved here
too? I've seen this happen with strong signals on 1.9 as well, so I know
its not entirely related to RC3, but do know that 2.0 changed the
synchronization scheme so am curious to dig in deeper.

I know y'all are busy so what's likely the best way to diagnose this myself
to help y'all out?

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