
Sorry to add in a slightly wider issue and I hesitate to raise this as some 
will perceive this as a joke ... and this issue is GENUINE and with observed 
consequences ... with even more potentially dangerous consequence for AR and 
automated modes some as issues of regulatory nature may exist in many domains. 
Australia, NZ and many EU nations I believe are in this category.

It is possible for (and often done by) ops to set the software into extended Tx 
cycles (i.e. 99 minutes) by design; yet more dangerously if the “tune” button 
if accidentally set it is possible to Tx indefinitely.

Ten (10 ) mins of constant Tx / Tx cycle is the regulation in most dominions 
that  am aware of regulation of, for “normal”, non-repeater-based Amateur 
licenses (even in some dominions with Callsign encoded) ! Regulators are a 
little more lenient with software that Tx cycle as we know – it is well known 
software and radios that can beacon almost indefinitely.

[ This beaconing issue and radios left directly unattended has I know raised 
discussion in our Australian regulator as here repeater licenses are believed 
to only cover such operation ].

Many of us have WSJT-X just sitting there – listening – reporting to Clusters, 
etc. - or we have it sitting there and we just watch. Yet I had a potentially 
serious incident several years back where an accident has led to the “Tune” 
button being set (i.e. a fallen book). In my circumstance I was contacted by a 
friendly “Field Ops regulator agent” that knew me, directly, and advised to 
cease Tx (which I did). There has been subsequent comment internally within the 
regulator’s Agency that there was considerable comment regarding this ability. 
For the record, the Yaesu FT-991 came out unscathed !

Some will laugh and snigger and say FOOL ! Yet I have been contacted now by 4 
other Amateurs in recent times – two fellow VKs and 2 K’s - who have had 
similar issues yet not been so lucky with their general-purpose transceivers 
(all Icom’s with 2 being 7300’s) ...

I observed another instance of this again occurred 24 hours back; I guessed who 
it was, contacted them directly, and they were extremely grateful of the 
contact ! It is again suspected that they had a pet (a cat) jump onto keyboard 
and trigger the tune cycle. The third instance of this that I was aware of....

Yes ... yes ... yes ... one can say that there are procedural steps that can be 
taken. Yes all regulatory domains say that AR equipment must be in monitored, 
secured environs... But accidents can and do happen. Proven fact.

“The main fork” has placed a configurable “tune timer” on the “tune” control. 
To deal with some of Joe’s identified issues and comments in this thread , 
perhaps the “99 minute” Tx cycle needs to be reduced? There is no need 
whatsoever for such a long cycle set !!! Entries to control maximum Tx duration 
/ cycle could say be set in wsjt-x.ini; I do not believe that there is any need 
for any GUI interaction on this limit. As a minimum, with considerable evidence 
for mounting, I feel that there definitely needs to be a default timeout value 
extended to the tune control (i.e. 3 mins max default).

Logic to implement this is basic and inconsequential on performance; I have 
tested this myself even with RC4 compiled under Qt 5.9 in JTSDK 3.0.1.

The issue is not only restricted to the “JT software”; other maintainers of 
software have also been advised. Most are very receptive.


Steve I

Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: Chuck Furman <>
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2018 7:34:27 AM
To: WSJT software development
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] 5 minute mouse timeout

Hi Joe,

Sorry about my last email regarding the five minute timer. I was typing it at 
the same time you were sending your message. I’m very happy to hear what you 
said about the timer.

On Fri, Nov 16, 2018 at 2:26 PM Joe Taylor 
<<>> wrote:
Hi all,

Please!  No need for any more comments about a 5 minute mouse-movement
timeout!  This feature was never intended to be a permanent addition.
It had to do only with preventing trivial robotic use of WSJT-X during a
digi-mode contest.

Evidently it was a bad idea.  Already, several days ago, it was
committed to the dustbin of history.

        -- Joe, K1JT

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