Over the time I've used RC4, I've noticed a recurring theme.  This is
sporadic at best, but still happens a couple times a day.

I'm calling CQ above 2000 on the band.  I see a signal in the WF on my Tx
frequency that should decode, but it doesn't.  My first thought is that
it's someone not running RC4 or has Always Transmit 77bit unchecked in an
earlier RC.  So I send 77-Bit TX/RX in Tx5 (free text) box.  Still the
station keeps on trying (I assume).  I move up or down 50 or 100 and I'm
followed by this same station.  Now, I know he's copying me or trying to
QRM me since he can't copy me.

Then one of two things happen, 1) the station does a JTAlert chat box
saying he's running RC4 as well or, 2) all of the sudden he shows up in my
Rx Freq side saying he's running RC4 and the contact continues.  It's like
his response to my CQ might be corrupted on his end, but when he goes free
text, that sets things right.  I change nothing on my end except for the
frequency change.

His signal pattern in the WF has not changed much at all, but why was I not
decoding him and then all at once, things are OK?  It's not the path as the
WF, even though not perfect by a long shot, shows a similar signal pattern
from him all along.  Our reports were in -12 as received by me and -09 as
received on his end.

George Cotton, WB5JJJ
wsjt-devel mailing list

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