Hi Bill and Greg,

I am just a little surprised, after some ongoing comms, that the JTSDK 3.0.1 is 
not the prime, standard Windows Development platform .... So that everyone is 
on the same page.

Greg, the JTSDK 3.0.1 works a treat... as long as you follow the instructions 
in your main post (#435) at https://groups.io/g/JTSDK/topic/23847651 .

[ It even works with “forks” that use subversion s long as the 32-bit SlikSVN 
client found at  https://sliksvn.com/download/ overwrites the deployed version 

Greg, can you please perhaps put these instructions found in #435 somewhere 
clearly and cleanly and in a prominent place for all for guidance? From you it 
gains validity.

Bill, I am of the opinion, with considerable evidential backing, that Qt 5.5 is 
lacking for our needs (as some comms has conveyed); migration and 
standardisation to more contemporary Qt versions are mandated. Note – not 
“bleeding edge” versions, but contemporary versions. We then need to stick 
SOLELY with this version for a while.

Greg, I think that the AR community significantly missed your attention to us. 
Yet it is always a reminder to us all that personal interests must ALWAYS come 
first and that we in the AR community must be patient. Patience is a virtue – 
but not a virtue shared by many in the AR community ☹

If you need a hand, there are many of us here that can and are willing to help 
and contribute. Some of us (including me) may be “pains in the posterior” on 
occasion, but most in our community have their hearts in the right place.



Steve I

Sent from Mail<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows 10

From: Greg Beam<mailto:ki7m...@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, 18 November 2018 4:40 PM
To: 'WSJT software development'<mailto:wsjt-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] WSJT-X & JTSDK future?

Hi Bill,

Understand all re: points in 1 and 2 below.

As for item 3, JTSDK-Tools (JTSDK v3) uses the Qt Installer for updates / 
adding GCC tool-chains and prebuilt-components. At present, version JTSDK-Tools 
v3.0.1 supports both Qt 5.5 and Qt 5.9. As most would agree, using the Qt 
Maintenance Tool is the preferred method of installing/updating Qt Components. 
Adding Qt 5.10 would require a minimal change to the environment script(s) and 
I may add that to version 3.0.2 to cover future needs. It appears that Qt 5.5 
thru 5.10 all use the 5.3.x GCC tool-chain which simplifies things a good bit.

Most of the JTSDK-Tools installation is manually performed by the user, as this 
allows greater flexibility with installation and updates. The addition of MSYS2 
is a major improvement over the original MSYS as it provides a powerful package 
manager (pacman, from Arch Linux) to keep utilities up to date.

JTSDK-Tools is, for the most part, geared more toward developers rather than 
casual users. The basics are there for anyone wanting to work on whatever 
project they wish. However, it is not a turn-key solution as it was in the past.

Greg, KI7MT

From: Bill Somerville <g4...@classdesign.com>
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2018 2:21 PM
To: wsjt-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] WSJT-X & JTSDK future?

On 17/11/2018 05:24, Greg Beam wrote:
At this point, I’ve no idea how things are working with WSJT-X builds (Win32 or 
Linux) other than what’s being formally published by the WSJT Dev team.

Hi Greg,

welcome back!

The relevant changes can be summarized as:

1) we are now using git DVCS. I think you are up to speed on this already and 
are aware of the new git repos on the WSJT SourceForge project page. The old 
svn repo is still there but for reference only, no changes have been posted to 
it for some time and it is effectively read-only and frozen.

2) The WSJT-X git repo is only being pushed once for each release shortly after 
the release is announced, we have been forced to do that by some unfortunate 
misuses of unfinished development code. Note that this still goes much further 
that the minimum requirement for Open Source applications, to make their source 
code publicly available matching any public releases, since we still make the 
full change history visible as well to anyone who cares. We realize that this 
somewhat reduces the benefit to those who like to track the latest developments 
by building from pre-release sources, but as it has proved impossible to 
control arbitrary and unauthorized redistribution of incomplete development 
works; we have taken that capability away.

3) The minimum Qt version required to build WSJT-X from WSJT-X v2.0.0 RC4 
onwards in v5.5, this has been moved on so we can take advantage of many Qt 
enhancements. We may well move on again with the minimum Qt version, perhaps to 
v5.9 or even v5.10, this may even be forced upon us to support the latest macOS 
version at some point soon. If and when this happens we will be forced to drop 
support for MS Windows XP and Vista. Continuing to support old versions of Qt 
and old operating system versions will eventually greatly disadvantage those 
running on more contemporary operating system versions and we will only do that 
for a limited time.


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