John and all who are discussing the contest dupe issue.  Here is my solution 
which I think is great.
I run my logging program on the screen all the time.  When a contact is logged 
in WSJT-X, it automatically gets sent to my log and shows up on the screen.  
(Then it is easy for me to make any adjustments or notes about the contact that 
I would like to make.  For example, I like to keep the propagation mode in my 
So anyway my log is always up to date.  Now, whenever a new call appears in the 
To Radio filed in WSJT-X, it is also sent to my logging program.  The log then 
searches that call and pops up a box showing every contact I have ever made 
with that station, date, time, grid, country.  So I can immediately see if it 
is a dupe for the current contest, if I need him on another band, if he is in a 
new grid, etc.  So I double click on the call, it shows up in the To field, and 
my logger shows all the info.  Very easy.
My logging program is one I wrote years ago and not available for others, but I 
am sure something similar could be done with other programs.  You might have to 
convince the program author to include the features, but implementation is 
really easy.
73, Russ K2TXB
From: John Harper <> 
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2018 1:15 PM
Subject: [wsjt-devel] (no subject)
Yes, I did. After a dozen or so contacts (many from the same call area) it 
became hard to remember who I'd worked and therefore difficult to see an
in-progress QSO about to end and know whether I should call the station or not 
rather than waiting for him to call CQ again.
Color coding in a future version would add much to the feasibility of using FT8 
in a major contest like CQ-WPX, Field Day and others. Without it, such contests 
will contain logs with many dupes.
Everything worked well and as expected as I took turns between calling CQ and 
V20. -rc5, Windows 10 laptop
Apache Anan-10e, amp, 40 watts, dipole up 110ft
John AE5X
>I wonder if anyone has reverted to the old fashioned dupe sheet 
>techniques using a pen and paper?
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