Lots of fun tonight on 7.080. 20 contacts but it seemed like I had to work 
harder than previous tests. Copied K1JT at -24 for a few minutes, so the band 
definitely was not as good.

I was paying attention to the logging more closely based on some previous 
comments and noted something that seems counter-intuitive to me. Here's the 

Call a CQing station with TX2
After two or three cycles with no response I terminate TX
Station subsequently responds to me with TX3
I re-enable transmit with TX4 and complete the contact.
I look at the log pop-up and note that it has not copied his report to me.

Not a big deal to enter it manually before I fire the OK button but is there a 
way to fix this? It would be one less thing to have to look out for in the 
mayhem of a contest.

Apologies if this has been already reported. It has been a challenge keeping up 
with the volume of email the past few days, I can't imagine how the developers 
handle it all!

73 es TNX for all the fantastic work!


Hold tight and pretend it's a plan. - The Doctor, "The Doctor, the Widow and 
the Wardrobe"

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