Larry --

On 12/3/2018 16:50, Larry Banks W1DYJ wrote:

I have just switched to 2.0 RC5.  I use it mainly for HF/FT8.
With FT8 and when at my 2nd home in Maine, I usually change my TX6 -- the autoloaded /_*CQ W1DYJ FN43*_/ -- to /_*CQ W1DYJ /ME*_/ as Maine is far more important info than just FN43 (v1.9.1).  NOW, it won’t take the /ME (v2.0 RC5). When I try, it just sends */_CQ W1DYJ_/*.  I did not find anything in the Quick Guide, etc., that helped me make this work as it used to.  (I also tried _CQ W1DYJ ME_.) Have you deleted the “free form” 13-character CQ?  Is this no longer allowed?

73 -- Larry -- W1DYJ

No, but your particular message is a pathological case that won't work. Your inclusion of "/" in a CQ message has told the source encoder to expect a compound callsign. Then, you do something else that is not a compound callsign.

FT8 (and nearly all of the WSJT-X modes) use carefully optimized structured messages to gain both content and sensitivity. Better stick with the grid locator, that's what the optimized message wants. It's also what your QSO partner's software (and the partner him/herself) will understand.

        -- 73, Joe, K1JT

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