
I appreciate some of what is in this as between what you and Joe have presented 
here as it provides a base for me and many others to sift through to obtain 
some clarity.

My apologies if for whatever reason some posts ended up in wrong places. Due to 
disabilities I work primarily off email feeds.

My interest here, having disabilities myself, is to support other Amateurs that 
I and others work with in making this software accessible to their needs. 
Sometimes it requires customisation.

Many here are very competent; others vary in degrees. I have formerly been 
teaching this sort of stuff – based on systems programming - for over 30 years 
in both high and low level Academic and Technical Environments.

I had problems interpreting some responses. I was not alone, and some responses 
since my initial posts echo this observation.

The purpose here is that AR is for private learning and advancement – for 
helping others. HAM – Help All Mankind.

Please refer to the private email that I have sent as some of what is in this 
email is far from appropriate in an open developers’ forum – especially when AR 
needs to unify and rally around central leaders (as many here in this group 

73 and thanks to you both so far, though further constructive comments and 
guidance would be appreciated.

Stephen Ireland

Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: Bill Somerville <>
Sent: Saturday, December 8, 2018 3:32:30 AM
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] Clear guidance - Development Environment


comments in line below.

On 07/12/2018 10:32, Stephen Ireland wrote:

A couple of weeks back I put a post in here requesting details of how the 
environment for compiling and developing WSJT-X releases was constructed. I 
received responses that many have commented as being unhelpful and lacking 
guidance back.
Please remember WSJT-X is an open source project, requests for information 
about development tools are fine but demands will get little response. 
Collaboration in the Open Source community is largely based on contribution and 
individuals usually earn their status proving their interest and capabilities 
by making direct contributions. Even then the contributions must be in line 
with where the project leader(s) want to go, after all it is their project and 
they drive it forward, usually by giving huge amounts of their time and 
experience free of charge to the user community.

>From comments passing it appeared that Greg Beam’s brilliant JTSDK was not 
>being used as the central environ; with great difficulty I also gathered from 
>responses that base development is performed under Linux and that Windows 
>versions are cross-compiled from Linux. Likewise I drew conclusions that 
>development from XCode was based upon Linux-lines. Can this please be 

While not detracting in any way from Greg's excellent work with the JT-SDK, it 
is a wrapper around the pre-existing tasks and tools that any competent 
developer would know how to do and acquire or at least be able to work out for 
themselves. The need for the JT-SDK comes from the large community of users who 
are not software developers but are keen to build the very latest development 
sources even before they are deemed ready for release by the core team. This 
fills a need but by no means is the best environment for a developer who is 
making changes to the source on a daily basis. The JT-SDK is largely biased 
towards building the sources without any changes with a single aim of producing 
an executable to go and try out on the bands. Apart from the fact that the 
JT-SDK is heavily MS Windows focused (yes I know it has a Linux variant, but 
more about building WSJT-X for Linux below), it is actually inconvenient for a 
developer who is working on multiple projects that share the same tool sets as 
those used by WSJT-X. Having the tools bundled up with a WSJT-X focus in not 
workable for a developer in such a position.

The bottom line is that the JT-SDK is a tool for end users that want to build 
WSJT-X from sources on Windows with an aim to run the product an with no 
intention of doing any development work on the project. I am sure one could use 
the JT-SDK as a developer but once the initial set up of a development machine 
is complete, the day to day tasks of software development are more easily done 
with the underlying tools that the project uses, e.g. CMake.

There has been a number of comments in separate posts eluding to this same 
request that I am making.
I haven't seen those, perhaps you are referring to posts where Linux users are 
trying to build from sources because the binary installer packages we provide 
are not suitable for their particular Linux distribution or versions. These 
cases are almost always due to some lack of knowledge of the packaging system 
for their Linux distribution or of Linux development in general. We are more 
than happy to help these individuals on a case by case basis, which it almost 
always is because their experience level vary greatly and the variants of Linux 
vary equally each requiring slightly different recipes for building a complex 
package like WSJT-X.

So that we are all on the same page, pending the “General Availability” release 
of WSJT-X 2.0 and the concept racing into a brave new world, can the 
development/production environ and versions of software used (i.e. Qt versions, 
Linux environs if used etc.) please be confirmed? If Greg Bream’s scripts etc. 
are not used can the environment and its setup/deployment please be clearly 
documented (in an evolving document ?) so that everyone working across WSJT-X 
and is advancement can be completely on the same page?

The tool and library versions are not fixed, there are certain constraints 
determined by the source code itself and also by production restrictions. 
Largely we use the latest versions of all dependencies but those latest 
versions are gated by requirements to support older operating system versions. 
Individual users need not be constrained so strictly if they wish to build from 
sources since they only have to produce executables that run on their 
individual system.

With v2.0.0 GA the basic constraints are:

MS Windows:

  *   We use the MinGW variant of the MS Windows Qt development package as we 
have no need or interest in using the proprietary tool chain for the MSVC++ 
variant of the Qt development package.
  *   Qt v5.5 (last version that supports Windows XP) we will drop XP and Vista 
support in an upcoming version which will allow us to make production builds 
with a newer Qt version nevertheless users may build with any newer Qt version 
right now, although Qt v5.12 (released yesterday) is not yet tested to my 
  *   The compilers used are those that are packaged with the Qt MinGW package, 
this is non-optional as the C++ ABI is not guaranteed compatible between 
compiler versions let alone compiler vendors. As MinGW is a native port of the 
full GNU GCC compiler suite, it provides us with a C, Fortran, and C++ 
toolchain which is all that WSJT-X needs.
  *   Other dependent packages are whatever is the latest, they are all stable 
and the latest version is as good as any recent version. This includes fftw3, 
the MS DirectShow SDK, and the Omni-Rig server (optional).
  *   For Hamlib we use the latest master branch (actually from a forked repo 
but the branch used tracks the Hamlib master branch extremely closely)  and 
always build it ourselves, this may change in the future but for now the WSJT-X 
team and other WSJT-X contributors provide a lot of upstream patches for Hamlib 
and we include them into WSJT-X by using their latest master branch which is 
ahead of their official releases. Hamlib is a vanilla C library and can be 
built without issue using the MinGW toolchain that comes with the Qt package.
  *   Hamlib has an optional dependency on the libusb project, this library is 
available ported to MS windows and we use the latest official binary release.


  *   On Linux the dependent packages and tool chains are determined by 
distribution and version of the development system, the WSJT-X sources will 
build on any Desktop Linux distribution and version that provides at least Qt 
v5.5. This last restriction is because we have source code that will not build 
with Qt versions older than v5.5. The actual version and patch level of Qt and 
the other dependent packages (fftw3, libusb) along with the compiler toolchains 
are all whatever that Linux distribution and version have in their repo. Bottom 
line is if the toolchains can build Qt then they are fine for WSJT-X.


  *   On Macs, like on MS Windows, we would like to use the latest versions of 
Qt and related tool chains but are constrained by operating system version 
compatibility. Up to WSJT-X v2.0.0 we used Qt v5.8 for production releases. At 
v2.0.0 that has change to Qt v5.9 because several users have suffered a defect 
in Qt when they use a proxy Internet connection (or a VPN), this defect was 
exposed by code in WSJT-X that download online help and support files directly. 
The defect is fixed in Qt v5.9 but that version doesn't support OS X version 
10.9 so this Qt upgrade has forced us to drop support for OS X 10.9 (which is 
pretty old and out of support with Apple).
  *   In general the Apple development methodology allows applications built on 
the latest o/s version and with the latest tools and SDK but flagged to be 
compatible back to a specified macOS/OS X version. This means that using the 
latest compilers and system MacOS SDK is fine so long at the correct options to 
set the oldest supported version are used.
  *   The other dependencies on Mac, i.e. the ones not provided by the system 
MacOS SDK and standard system libraries can be provided from several sources, 
the most commonly used ones are MacPorts and HomeBrew. Personally I use 
MacPorts but either is fine. These projects provide native MacOS binary 
packages of Open Source projects and include most of the packages you might 
find in a typical Linux distribution repository.
  *   The compiler tool chains we use on Mac are the command line tools clang 
and clang++, these are the Apple variants of these tools which are available as 
the command line tools bundled with Xcode (the Apple developer IDE). Because 
Apple do not have a Fortran compiler we use the GNU GCC gfortran compiler that 
is available via MacPorts or HomeBrew or similar.

I realise that some fear that "releasing the rabbits” can cause damage. 
Likewise this is not supposed to be a forum for “rabbits”.

There no rabbits nor hats to produce them from. This is an Open Source project, 
the only thing that is scarce is developer time.

What there are in abundance are users who just want something they can install 
in minutes that works. This is fine and there will always be a massive ratio of 
users to core developers in any successful software project. The big difference 
with an Open Source project is that there are usually only developers and 
users. Support is down to the developers although the community's more 
experienced users make a huge contribution here and elsewhere which is welcome 
and can take a big load off the core development team who only have to chip in 
when deeper technical details or complex application behaviour needs more 
explanation or clarification.

There have been instances where the generosity of the core development team has 
been taken advantage of by others who think they can do a better job but 
neglected to take the key step of developing their own product, instead cloning 
the WSJT-X sources for their own purposes. This is fine for personal use, also 
fine if the intent is to contribute back to the parent project but becomes 
annoying when it crosses the line of passing off our work as theirs without 
full credit to the original authors and copyright holders. We have had to spend 
a lot of time (less so recently as R&D is now not done in the public domain) 
reminding these freeloaders of their responsibilities endowed on them by the 
GPL licence we release the WSJT-X suite under.

The last paragraph also should make it clear that the JT-SDK is now somewhat 
redundant as the public source repository no longer contains pre-release code 
so there is nothing to be gained by building from sources compared to the 
latest official release be it a beta candidate release or a full general 
availability release.

In most regulatory dominions it is stated that AR is provides a license for 
self-experimentation and hence advancement. Inquisition is the forerunner to 
experimentation. There is a lot that we can all learn from guidance that you 
and the other key developers can provide. There is no greater utility/legacy 
than to leave ideas imprinted on others.

It's all there in the public domain. We give you access to everything that 
makes up a release of WSJT-X. This is far more than you get for the transceiver 
on your shack desk, maybe the station logging application you use, maybe the 
operating system you run your shack software on. I find it incredulous that you 
cite the WSJT-X project for not being open with their innovations.

Lastly, addressing some misinformation you have been given from sources outside 
of the development team.

Core development can be done on any of the supported platforms, use your 
favourite it makes almost no difference although when making GUI layout changes 
it helps to have all three main platforms available to check renderings are 
working well on all. This last point is because where possible the Qt GUI 
classes use the native style and often native controls which can render 
differently on different operating systems or window managers.

Builds are native on all platforms. I doubt a project using Qt could be built 
on a Linux hosted Windows development environment but if it could it would 
still be native. Hamlib could easily be built for Windows on Linux (as I state 
that is still a native build) and the Hamlib team do exactly that for their 
official Windows binary packages and snapshots. We don't simply because we are 
using a Windows system to build and test the rest of WSJT-X so there is no 
point building Hamlib elsewhere.

On macOS Xcode must be installed but only because that is the only way 
(nowadays) to install the masOS development SDK and the command line tools we 
need, Xcode itself is not required to build WSJT-X.

That is why I ask.

So to summarize, IMHO anyone who is likely to be able to contribute to the 
WSJT-X project source code should already be reasonably competent in setting up 
a suitable environment on their favoured operating system and any shortfalls in 
knowledge could be made up by specific questions here or simply by working it 
out for themselves. Frankly if they can't do that then understanding and 
writing code for the project is going to be out of their reach.

For those users that can't wait for the polished releases from the development 
team, the vast bulk of which are MS Windows users, there is a leg up via the 
JT-SDK which is handy as MS Windows is by far the most complex platform to get 
set up for any sort of cross platform project, but because of actions by a very 
small minority of freeloaders that no longer wins them anything.

For the Linux users on distributions that have no package maintainer for WSJT-X 
we provide a basic recipe and a convenient source tarball that combines 
building and installing from sources of both Hamlib and WSJT-X, which makes 
Linux by far the easiest platform to build WSJT-X from sources. The same dual 
source tarball is also a resource for package maintainers who want to 
contribute by making WSJT-X available across versions of some Linux 

Lastly, please follow normal netequette practice on email lists by starting a 
new thread when opening a new topic. Replying to an existing message on another 
thread and changing the subject line is both poor practice and inconvenient for 
subscribers that use a threaded email client which will potentially bury your 
new topic email into a closed or ignored thread. If you don't understand that 
then here is a screen shot from my Thunderbird email client:


Note your new  topic is linked to the message that you replied to with a 
different and unrelated subject. If I had marked that thread as ignored, which 
is likely due to it being answered by Joe, before your post arrived I would 
simply not have seen your post.

It is laziness to not press the "Write" (new email) or "New Topic" button just 
to save you having to type in the list address again. Reply means reply to the 
message, not ask a different unrelated question.


Steve I

wsjt-devel mailing list

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