Merry Christmas Joe

de AE5SB
From: Joe Taylor <>
Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2018 12:45 PM
To: Игорь Ч; WSJT software development
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] bug in 77-bit message packing

Hi Igor,

On 12/22/2018 05:10, Игорь Ч UA3DJY via wsjt-devel wrote:
> Hello Joe,
> .
> There is a bug in packjt77 module observed when first character of the
> base call is 'P' in the compound callsign.
> It can be seen in ft8apset.f90 code, where message with user's callsign
> DU6/VA3AAA is packed as
> 'VA3AAA K9ABC RRR' and i3 equal to 1, while message with user's callsign
> DU6/PA3AAA is packed as 'PA3AAA/P K9ABC RRR' and i3 equal to 2.
> .
> With minor change in user's callsign to DU/PA3AAA message packing
> working well there: 'PA3AAA K9ABC RRR' with i3 equal to 1.
> .
> 73 Igor UA3DJY

I do not think there is a bug.

Maybe you know this already, but just to be sure:  The utility program
'encode77' provides an easy way to examine the behavior of 77-bit
message types.  Compile the program in the source directory
.../wsjtx/lib/77bit using the simple script 'g2'.  Then try

$ encode77 -f junk

where 'junk' is a text file containing these six messages




Here's the resulting output:

.../77bit$ encode77 -f junk

i3.n3 Err Message to be encoded                 Decoded message
  1.   *   DU6/VA3AAA K9ABC RRR                  VA3AAA K9ABC RRR
  2.   *   DU6/PA3AAA K9ABC RRR                  PA3AAA/P K9ABC RRR
  1.       <DU6/VA3AAA> K9ABC RRR                <DU6/VA3AAA> K9ABC RRR
  2.       <DU6/PA3AAA> K9ABC RRR                <DU6/PA3AAA> K9ABC RRR
  4.       DU6/VA3AAA <K9ABC> RRR                DU6/VA3AAA <K9ABC> RRR
  4.       DU6/PA3AAA <K9ABC> RRR                DU6/PA3AAA <K9ABC> RRR

The first two are the messages I think you were concerned about.  The
asterisks "*" under "Err" indicate that these are not legitimate FT8
v2.0 messages.

 From the WSJT-X 2.0 User Guide, the rule about messages with
nonstandard callsigns in FT8 and MSK144 is this:

"One such callsign and one standard callsign may appear in most
messages, provided that one of them is enclosed in < > angle brackets.
If the message includes a grid locator or numerical signal report, the
brackets must enclose the compound or nonstandard callsign; otherwise
the brackets may be around either call."

So the first two messages in the above example are not legal.  The other
four are OK.

The third and fourth messages would be OK even with a grid or signal
report in place of RRR, since the <> brackets enclose the nonstandard
callsign.  The last two messages convey the nonstandard call in full, so
in these cases the third word must be blank, RRR, RR73, or 73.

     -- Joe

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