Apologies, I meant to ask: does the wsjtx_log.adi file show DX +
serial numbers for all QSO exchange data which you transmitted? Not
the exchange data which you received from the QSO, rather what
exchange data you sent for the QSO.

On 1/7/19, Edfel Rivera <edfelj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All:
> My first contest sorry for some simple questions. First, I figured how to
> edit Contest Name, at Log Export just use ARRL-RTTY.  I do have a specific
> problem, have to set RTTY RU EXC to DX (Advance Settings).
> After uploading my log, I am receiving warnings  "copied exchange
> (qthserial) is missing". What I have to do to fix those errors.  Some QSO's
> have the serial (if DX) and others have US State letters example ND, FL,
> NC.  So my logs have mixed letters for US States and numbers for DX.  is
> there is a way to fix this?
> Sorry newbie with contests.
> 73'
> Edfel

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