On 09/01/2019 12:05, Bill Somerville wrote:
If you are in this situation then you must either send you gridsquare post QSO in a free text message if you want to give your QSO partner a chance to recognize you are not in HI, or use a compound callsign that indicates your location like /W4.

Hi again,

a correction to the above.

"If you are in this situation then you must either use a compound callsign and send you gridsquare post QSO in a free text message, or use a standard format callsign which allows you to send a gridsquare in standard messages. Either way indicates your actual location, both options together are not possible."

Note that both of the methods above are available to a station with an callsign issued in HI working from the lower 48. The former has more restrictions that the latter due to a standard callsign being used. In both cases your QSO partners have the information to determine you are not operating from HI. All I can suggest is you point that out to them if they fail to notice. Note also that we cannot add special cases to WSJT-X for the same reason that the AD1C CTY.DAT file cannot contain an override for this situation because you still operate from HI and the software does not know when that is happening.

There is one possible solution in that some cases can be clarified if your gridsquare lies wholly outside of the DXCC entity that your callsign indicates. If anyone knows of a database that can be incorporated (i.e. in the public domain and freely usable) into WSJT-X that is 100% accurate in determining mismatches between gridsquares and DXCC entities then we will consider using it.


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