Mike and Bill,


Likely, a solution would need to be more user-specific. ATU is most relevant, 
but only one example. In my case I need ATU on/off as well as mode and maybe 
bandwidth, but others may need to switch antenna port, or, or, or. 

Examples: When I was before on 80m SSTV, VFO stays at Data_LSB; when I was on 
SSB, VFO stays either at USB or LSB mode; when I worked CW before, VFO stays at 
CW and narrow bandwidth. When I now select the any band via WSJT-X, it changes 
only frequency at my rig, but NOT mode, ATU, bandwidth et cetera. That is the 
reason why I am doing it the other way round and change all that at my rig. It 
is too much at risk. I nearly damaged my HF power amplifier a couple of times 
when after such a band change ATU was accidentally switched to the wrong state. 
When I am working FT8 all the day, I switch all band-VFOs of my FT-991 to 
Data_USB, and the ATU on/of for those bands needed. Then these settings are 
remembered by my FT-991 when changing band via WSJT-X. Only in this case it 

To bring it to work, one would need to have the possibility to save 
user-specific CAT commands per band (or even per JT mode and band), like it is 
in MMSSTV. Easiest would be to have in WSJT-X a table where one could specify 
such (optional) commands, which would be sent to the CAT in addition to the 
frequency change CAT command. Alternative could be to specify/save that into 
any .ini file. But from my point of view it would get too comprehensive if 
there would be within WSJT-X checkboxes for all these possible options (which 
would likely only be interesting for a few OM).

I really don’t know if it’s worth to spend any more time on this. Likely only 
something which would be “nice to have”.

But thanks for making some thoughts on this for me…


73 de DG2YCB,



German Amateur Radio Station DG2YCB

Dr. Uwe Risse

eMail: dg2...@gmx.de

Info: www.qrz.com/db/DG2YCB


Von: Black Michael via wsjt-devel [mailto:wsjt-devel@lists.sourceforge.net] 
Gesendet: Sonntag, 13. Januar 2019 17:47
An: wsjt-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Cc: Black Michael
Betreff: Re: [wsjt-devel] User-specific CAT commands?


Cuz' I was thinking off the top-of-my-head rather than looking at the code...


I'll add the TUNER func and start gronking the YAESU manuals.  Too bad there 
isn't  a matrix somewhere is there?







On Sunday, January 13, 2019, 10:41:23 AM CST, Bill Somerville 
<g4...@classdesign.com> wrote: 



Hi Mike,


sure, you can add the TUNER function for the FT-991, it should really be there 
already. Easy to add. It needs to be added to yaesu/newcat.c in 
newcat_{get,set}_func() as several Yaesu rigs that use them have the same ATU 
CAT commands. Once that's done a trawl through the Yaesu CAT manuals to find 
the rigs that have AC000 and AC001 is necessary to add the function to them.


The tune facility is already there using the VFO option RIG_OP_TUNE, there is 
no "tune off" the AC002 is a start command, i.e. equivalent to a momentary 
action switch. Why do you think anything else is needed for that?




On 13/01/2019 16:07, Black Michael via wsjt-devel wrote:

I can add that capability.  But I think we need both ATU On/Off and Tune On/Off


So maybe

TUNE 0/1

ATU 0/1



TUNE 0/1



One being a verb and one being a noun. So TUNE actually starts tuning and TUNER 
turns the automatic on/off




de Mike W9MDB





On Sunday, January 13, 2019, 7:24:21 AM CST, Bill Somerville  
<mailto:g4...@classdesign.com> <g4...@classdesign.com> wrote: 



On 13/01/2019 13:08, DG2YCB, Uwe wrote:

Hi Bill,

I do not use the hamlib rigctl. Perhaps I should try it that way. But switching 
band via command line seems to be not really more elegant than just switching 
band directly at the FT-991 . Anyway, I fully agree, that this topic has only 
low priority in comparison with others. In my case having such an option would 
simply be quite useful.

Just FYI see below FT-991’s CAT commands for ATU control: “AC000” means ATU 
off, “AC001” means ATU on, and “AC002” means start tuning (which is not 
relevant here). Adding “AC000;” or “AC001;” to the CAT commands for band or 
frequency change works quite well with my FT-991 for the purpose of switching 
the ATU on or off.

Hi Uwe,

you have misunderstood my suggestion. Hamlib rigctld is a rig control server, 
it allows multiple applications to access the same rig. What I was suggesting 
is that you can use rigctld to connect to your rig and then have WSJT-X connect 
to rigctld. WSJT-X will do rig control as before, the difference is that 
another application can now be used to send other rig control instructions to 
the rig as well. That other application could be the Hamlib rigctl command line 
tool that could tell your rig to enable or disable its ATU. The only part of 
this that is missing is that currently Hamlib only knows how to send the AC002 
command to an FT-991 but it can be easily enhanced to also send ATU on/off 
commands (AC001/AC002). The command would look like:

rigctrl -m2 U TUNER 1

to turn on the ATU and:

rigctl -m2 U TUNER 0

to turn off the ATU.



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