I sometimes operate a QS1R receiver on 7 bands simultaneously.  The
processing chain is QS1R -> CWSL_Tee -> HDSDR -> VAC -> WSJT-X 2.0.  The
CPU is an i7 with hyperthreading.  With earlier W10/W7 versions, and
earlier WSJT-X, this worked fine for the JT* and WSPR modes.

Currently this works fabulously on all 7 bands with the FT8 mode.  But on
WSPR, it does not.  Very few signals are decoded.  It's not a NTP issue,
but it may be the "audio interruptus" issue reported by some laptop users.

I only see this WSPR issue on the Windows 10 processing chain.  I do not
see it on Linux FC28/29 with PulseAudio channels.  It's not a huge issue,
since my "real" WSPR ops are on Linux, but it is curious.

P.J. "Josh" Rovero     http://www.roveroresearch.org
Ham Radio: KK1D     http://www.roveroresearch
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