FT8 for the blind?

Over the past year I have received emails from blind Hams wanting to use
the FT8 mode. I posted a note to the WSJT-X Development reflector. The only
comment received was a suggestion that an outside group should develop the
software app needed to accomplish this objective. I understand that back
then that FT8 was in its infancy, requiring the prime focus of the WSJT-X
Development team. More recently,  V2.0.0 has required the majority of time
being spent by the team.

Now, with FT8 being so widely accepted and running so well, we can step
back a few feet, take a deep breath and smile. There are now many tens of
thousands of happy FT8 users. Unfortunately our fellow blind Hams are NOT
in that group as they are still unable to effectively use FT8.

Does anyone of the Development team know of any software developers that
might want to tackle the task of developing an FT8 interface which would
allow the many unsighted Hams to enjoy this great new digital mode?


Rich – K1HTV
wsjt-devel mailing list

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