Hi All,

waiting for 2.1 source code release (where I hope the problem is corrected) found a simple patch for old "LONG" modes

// nice idea new all.txt
// aligned text with time and frequency every line
// but some problems with 1 minute modes (JT9 JT65 JT9+JT65) :
// - lost character from message
// - misalignement with m_mode lenght .GT. 6
// - m_fileDateTime can be 11 or 13 character
void MainWindow::write_all(QString txRx, QString message)
  QString line;
  QString t;
  QString msg;
  QString mode;
  if (message[4]==' ') {  //in JT9 and JT65 no seconds. hhmm vs hhmmss
  } else {
// check simbol for mode - note that JT9+JT65 is longer than 6 char
// so in rx @/# are written as single mode, not composite mode
// confused as FT8 and FT4 have some simbol '~' (see image in pdf)
  if (message[19]=='#') {
          mode="JT65  ";
  } else if (message[19]=='@') {
          mode="JT9   ";
  } else {
          mode=m_mode.leftJustified(6,' ');
  msg=msg.mid(0,15) + msg.mid(18,-1);
  if(txRx=="Tx") msg="   0  0.0" + t + " " + message;
  auto time = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ();
  time = time.addSecs (-(time.time ().second () % m_TRperiod));
  t.sprintf("%10.3f ",m_freqNominal/1.e6);
  if(m_diskData) {
          if (m_fileDateTime.size()==11) {           //have no seconds
    line=m_fileDateTime + "  " + t + txRx + " " + mode + msg;
        } else {
      line=m_fileDateTime + t + txRx + " " + mode + msg;
  } else {
    line=time.toString("yyMMdd_hhmmss") + t + txRx + " " + mode + msg;

  QString file_name="ALL.TXT";
  if(m_mode=="WSPR") file_name="ALL_WSPR.TXT";
  QFile f{m_config.writeable_data_dir().absoluteFilePath(file_name)};
  if(f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Append)) {
    QTextStream out(&f);
    out << line << endl;
  } else {
    auto const& message2 = tr ("Cannot open \"%1\" for append: %2")
        .arg (f.fileName ()).arg (f.errorString ());
    QTimer::singleShot (0, [=] {                   // don't block guiUpdate
MessageBox::warning_message(this, tr ("Log File Error"), message2); });

Thank in advance


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