My vote is with Steve on restoring consistent button positions as well,
even though I can easily read and locate the OK button.  It does take extra
time plus "muscle memory" is of no value in this, especially with the 6
second turn around now.  Streamlining the process should be paramount.

My reasoning:

In the early days of WSJTx, there was no integration with HRD LB for
logging of FT8, MSK144 or whatever mode contacts.  I solved this with an
auto-bot program where a double mouse click on a shortcut would start the
automatic process to find the WSJTx log adi file and import it into HRD LB
in a matter of seconds with no further interaction on my part.  It worked
great since there was not any other option except doing it manually every

The way I set up the program was using XY positions, which worked.  But as
WSJTx evolved, I periodically had to make subtle changes to these
locations.  I took the easy road, even though the program would look for
changes in color text or background and even text itself.  Of course all of
that is now in the past as both WSJTx and JTAlert take care of logging to
HRD LB instantly.  The program has long since been abandoned.

So, the randomness of the OK and CANCEL are a moot point as I'm sure the
auto-bot technology is even better today than several years ago.  Putting
the burden on the masses to attempt to defeat those few that try to
automate the process is virtually impossible.

WB5JJJ - George
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