I was running rc7 in normal mode FT8 during FD since it did not shut down
as expected.

After I completed a contact and then started calling CQ, with Call 1st
UNCHECKED, about every 3rd or 4th CQ call, a connection was made to one of
those calling me and the contact ensued without me selecting anything.  The
rest of the time, my side did nothing on it's own.

I had Call 1st unchecked since I was a 1D and did not really want to be
contacted by another D station for no points.  This way I could select the
other classes that needed me for points, or so I thought.

Just a heads up to the team to check this out.

Also, on occasion I noticed that when my report from the other station was
-11, the Log QSO showed +11 instead.  This happened occasionally with other
negative reports as well, but seemed to be more frequent with -11 than the

George - WB5JJJ
wsjt-devel mailing list

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