On 15/07/2019 21:44, Dave Slotter, W3DJS wrote:
This will take some time to go through the specifics... From a slightly less detailed level, for what program (or for whom) were these changes made? (Were they made for GridTracker?)

Hi Dave,

the WSJT-X UDP message protocol is backwards compatible, if you do not need the new messages then they can be safely ignored and any new fields on existing messages are always added at the end so you can also safely ignore any excess fields that you do not require.

Of course this does depend on your software actually using the WSJT-X UDP message protocol, see my other reply above.

The changes resulted from several developer requests and also include some new messages and fields to be both consistent and complete. No GridTracker was not one of the requesters although the author(s)  of that application are of course welcome to make use of these changes.


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