
I could not agree more. I risk getting my “head bitten off” by commenting on 
this (and supporting your concerns) … but in a “far away” land to many on the 
outskirts of a rural city I often rely heavily on working low level signals. 
Some of the behaviour of the FH “hounds” in the “main active” regions for FT8 
and JT65 when “foxes” are transmitting in main regions is atrocious. It creates 
nothing but sometimes a segment full of stations seeking the one “fox” to the 
absolute neglect of other stations – often stomping on and swamping rare DX 
that some of us are trying to work. The rules of “listen before you Tx” is 
frequently broken – and you can see from “Pskreporter” that stations have seen 
you before they have transmitted over you.

Ok this can be said the same of working traditionally … but volume and hence 
clutter is usually not that bad compared to especially DX-pedition sites that 
use multiple operational slots.

DX “foxes” should be encouraged actively to use less active band areas and be 
respectful of other users – work to concepts that are embedded in many of the 
DX-pedition codes of conduct. Likewise this encourages better “hound” conduct 
(that is really the problem).

Better conduct and band utilisation could be heavily assisted by making “active 
suggestion” to move FH activity to other less populated sections of the 
spectrum allocations ☺ Of course this can be over-riddden easily as well with a 
bit of knowledge of the wsjtx (and derivative) products ☺

73 de Steve VK3VM/VK3SIR

From: Jon Anhold <>
Sent: Friday, 6 December 2019 9:25 AM
To: WSJT software development <>
Subject: [wsjt-devel] Feature Suggestion: Fox Mode

Many of the DXpeditions using fox/hound mode tend to use the same frequencies. 
It'd be nifty, at least I think, if you could add those frequencies to WSJT-X 
(as you can today) with a flag to have it automatically switch to Fox mode when 
those frequencies are selected -- and back OUT of Fox mode when you go back to 
the "normal" watering hole frequency.

73 de KM8V
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