Consider transitioning to FLRig -- actively supported and can set up with all 
sorts of programs talking to it either via rigctld or rigctlcom
I haveWSJT-XLog4OM3 local utilitiesN1MMFLDigi
All working at once talking to the rig.
WSJT-X -> FLRigLog4OM -> rigctld -> FLRigLocal utils -> both waysN1MM -> 
rigctlcom -> FLRigFLDigi -> FLRig
N1MM is the one that doesn't know hamlib or FLRig so uses TS-2000 emulation to 
I probably ought to write up a description of how to do all this and/or a 
youtube video.

de Mike W9MDB
wsjt-devel mailing list

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