On 23/04/2020 17:34, Black Michael via wsjt-devel wrote:
Found a problem with Flex which is fixed by changing the rig polling rate to 3 seconds and adding some changes to hamlib.
Doing a profile change on Flex can take almost 3 seconds.
So if you have polling at 1 second WSJT-X times out waiting for the profile change and actually requests hamlib to disconnect *(i.e. shutdown). This may explain random disconnects when any rig takes too long to respond on any command.

There are a few possible solutions which I'll rank in my preference order....

#1 Fix the polling to provide a fixed timeout of 4 seconds.  Users won't have any idea what to set for this and I don't see any problem with waiting up to 4 seconds when things are getting delayed.  Normally we don't run into this timeout but we need to gracefully recover when we do. #2 Provide a user-controllable setting which defaults to 4 seconds.  Just in case this longer timeout causes a different problem.  Maybe put it in the release candidate and then remove it when nobody complains.

So...for Flex users....change polling to 3 seconds and use this hamlib_settings.json file in the WSJT-X configuration directory
This changes will be in the next version of WSJT-X for the Flex6xxx entry.

     "config": {
 "retry": "13",
 "post_write_delay": "0",
 "timeout": "300"

de Mike W9MDB

Hi Mike,

please explain what you mean by requests Hamlib to disconnect? Are you referring to a TCP/IP connection failure? Does this cause WSJT-X to offer a Retry/Reconfigure/Cancel message box?

A 3 s polling interval being enforced is not acceptable for an issue that only happens when a profile is changed on SmartSDR.


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