On 12/05/2020 20:45, j...@comcast.net wrote:

>one feature of the latest decoder is there to yield decodes before all transmissions are completed.


Was this a user request, or just a result of the new decoding algorithm?   (My curiosity has been piqued.)

Ed N4II.

Hi Ed,

because the FT8 protocol includes Forward Error Correction (FEC) information it is possible to successfully decode a signal before the complete block of data has been received, this is an opportunity to pick the "low hanging fruit" as early as is practical, leaving more elapsed time to work on the remaining signals. The intent is both to deliver some decodes earlier and to utilize more CPU resource to yield more decodes in a reasonable time frame. Most users, probably all, on a busy band will see some decodes earlier in the receive period and also more decodes overall with the last few maybe only printing some time into the following period. We have not put a number to the extra decode yield but we have certainly see up to one third more when processing saved .WAV files from congested bands compared to the v2.1.2 FT8 decoder. Steve K9AN has a "golden" test FT8 .WAV file that he uses to verify decoder yield and I believe the current result from that file is 67 unique valid decodes.


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