>From my post to a RigPi forum:

“Has anyone else tried running the latest WSJT-X 2.2.0 on a RigPi (3B+)?

The upgrade was straight forward and everything worked, but I found right away 
on a crowded band that the new decode method that splits things up during the 
15 second cycle results in many decodes happening very late into the next 15 
second cycle (as late as 10 seconds, which makes Tx response virtually 
impossible for those received transmissions).  Tried with "Fast" and "Normal" 
decode and found that made no difference.

Ended up reverting back to 2.1.0, which works fine (even on a busy band).  I 
suspect WSJT-X 2.2.0 may be saving its results when doing multiple decodes to 
disk, and the microSD is not a really fast storage device.  Just a guess ... 
could be something else.”

This problem was confirmed by two other RigPi users and on different radio 
types using the RigPi.


AE0AU – Tony

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