
The issue may not be anything to do with WSJT-X nor its Makefile construction … 
but could possibly be an unnoticed “inconsistency” post 3.14.4 that has crept 
into CMAKE’s FindPackageHandleStandardArgs handler that may need to be flagged 
with Kitware – CMAKE Windows’ distributor !

With the fact that all is well with CMAKE 3.14.4 but upgrades require 
additional parameters provides clear evidence at first glance that the issue is 
not with us. There is also concern that the same issue does not appear evident 
with Linux CMAKE versions (although I have not heavily tested there).

While we can work around issues at our end this can create cross-platform 
portability concerns and unnecessary complexity.

It may require push from “our mountain” to move “their mountain”… Only our Core 
Development Team has the credibility to report matters – if they exist.

From: Stephen VK3SIR <>
Sent: Saturday, 22 August 2020 9:13 AM
To: WSJT software development <>
Subject: [wsjt-devel] WSJT-X and Windows CMAKE Versions > 3.14.4


Hi Core Developer Team,

For some time now I have been seeking guidance with patches for the Windows 
JTSDK 3.1 x64 with respect to upgrading Windows CMAKE to a more contemporary 
version found on many Linux distros (i.e. v3.14.4 is delivered in Greg KI7MT’s 
original files; v3.18.2 is the current release).

After releasing Alpha versions of scripts to support Qt 5.15.1 (at,,,20,0,0,0::recentpostdate%2Fsticky,,,20,2,0,76299954
 ) - the latest set of “experiment” patches that can be applied to Greg Beam 
KI7MT’s JTSDK 3.1 x64 (to implement commands such as jtbuild) - I thought I 
would have another go.

I finally cracked it with steps documented at,,,20,0,0,0::recentpostdate%2Fsticky,,,20,2,0,76339523

[ For community Reference, basically it required two environment variables: 
FFTW3_LIBRARY needed to point to C:\JTSDK64-Tools\tools\fftw\libfftw3-3.dll and 
FFTW3F_LIBRARY to point to C:\JTSDK64-Tools\tools\fftw\libfftw3f-3.dll. These 
needed to be passed as additional parameters to “The CMAKE Prefix Path” so that 
CMAKE could locate libraries during preprocessing and use these libraries when 
compiling the C++ and Fortran code. ]

Behaviour is inconsistent across CMAKE versions; The CMakeLists.txt file works 
PERFECTLY with Windows CMAKE 3.14.4 … but additional parameters need be passed 
should you upgrade from this Windows version.

Can I please request that the CMakeLists.txt file in future releases be 
reviewed mindful of my observations on working to make the JTSDK 3.1 accessible 
to our community? CMakeFiles of the standard employed in WSJT-X r2.2.2 are only 
elementary to my expertise otherwise I’d do it myself.

Changes may not be needed and/or may not necessarily be desirable. Testing of 
this is VERY preliminary but on Windows has been rather extensive . I also 
recognise that what I request here can impact Linux and MacOS compiles.

Thanks, and there is no need to respond further.

73 and thanks.

Steve I

wsjt-devel mailing list

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