Dear Sir's 


In the Netherlands we have the PACC contest, which is a ssb/cw contest with
the exchange RST, province(2 letter Abbrivation f.i. NB, NH etc).

The Dutch VERON now is working on a new PACC contest for DIGI modes
(FT8/FT4) for 2021.

Within WSJT-X we have the "RTTY Round Up" contest which is exactly the setup
we could use for our PACCDIGI, except one thing : 

In TX 6 line we have CQ RU call grid. I know you can edit the RU and change
it into f.i. PA, but you need to do this every new qso.


My question : Is it eventually possible to make the RU field/box variable,
this would help a lot to use the RTTY RU setup for more

Contests with the same exchange?


Kind regards,

John Stins (PA5JS)

VERON PACCDIGI contest team






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