On 04/04/2021 17:19, Claude Frantz wrote:
On 4/4/21 3:18 PM, Black Michael via wsjt-devel wrote:

Hi Mike and all,

You find "VFOs.txt" in the main hamlib directory that tries to
describe the abstraction.The differences are rig-dependent along with
rig mode.

It was exactly the contents of this file which has triggered my question.

Life isn't simple....:-)

Oh yes ! You are right. But my question remains open: What is the
difference between a VFOx and a subVFO ? Is it simply a matter of
definition or is there a difference in the function too ?

Claude (DJ0OT)

Hi Claude,

some rigs like the IC-910 and IC-9700 have two separate receivers MAIN and SUB, each have a VFO A and VFO B (used for SPLIT mode for example). They also use SUB as a pseudo VFO B when used in full-duplex mode for satellite operation.

Other rigs have MAIN and SUB receivers which are also used for SPLIT mode. These rigs usually (always?) cannot transmit using SUB unless in SPLIT or full-duplex mode.

VFO A and VFO B where present are mostly indistinguishable, although there are exceptions to this as some rigs only transmit on VFO B and that is only when in SPLIT mode, i.e. they have no VFO B receive capability.

I suppose MAIN and SUB means two independent receivers, whereas VFO A and VFO B are just software concepts mapped onto a single receiver. Transmit in SUB only happens in full-duplex satellite modes, otherwise SUB is only a second receiver.

MAINĀ  and SUB can usually be exchanged just like VFO A and VFO B can.


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