Good morning,
I'm sorry I didn't have save all turned on, so I do not have a wav file to send the development group. My operating conditions:
IC7300 IC9700
WSJT-X 2.5.4 with two instances running. This morning one was on 80M FT8 the other on 2M MSK144.
Decode on Deep with Enable AP checked
Windows 7

The problem was that a signal decoded on 80M. I replied with a -18 SNR but when the station replied with a R-13 it had the a priori code ? a3 after it. WSJT-X didn't advance to the RR73 but instead sent the -18 report again. I then received another R-13 ? a3 and then R-13 ? a2 with WSJT-X not advancing to the RR73 both times.
The next report was R-13 but no a priori code after it and WSJT-X advanced to the RR73.
If you have any further questions please let me know.

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