>When I started work on WSJT some 21 years ago, my principal goal was to 
>help bring amateur weak-signal communication techniques into the 
Our thanks for all this work and for releasing software freely for our use!
Amateur radio must adapt to the new age of digital communications.

  >- Building on what platform?  Windows, Linux, macOS, or other?
Linux (Void Linux distro).

 > - What are your particular programming skills and interests?
Self-taught C programmer (I am 1948 vintage and in my college days 
computers were big machines in locked rooms!). But with the first PC's
I decided to make it into this new realm.

 > - Are you making changes to the code?  If so, toward what end?
No changes to the WSJT-X code, but I incorporated the WSPR lib alone in
"lhpsdr", a client I am developing for the ANAN-7000DLE SDR transceiver. 
I have eventually managed to understand enough of the code to get it
to work with I/Q streams already available in lhpsdr and to replace FFTW
with a simple FFT code I already have in lhpsdr. Works fine!

  >- What portions of the code have you studied well enough to understand?
The WSPR lib code. I cannot pretend I understand the DSP theories behind it
(in my days it was vacuum tubes and germanium transistors!) but I did learn
enough about the code's workings to modify it to fit in lhpsdr. Also if I stick
my neck out, I think I have noticed some possible issues in the code which
I reported to this mailing list.

>Many thanks -- I look forward to hearing from you!
Mine and our thanks due here!

Best Regards
Neoklis - Ham Radio Call:5B4AZ

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