Chris McMahon wrote:

On 7/26/05, Scott Hanselman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Why do folks do all this tricky stuff with Winclicker and starting new
instances of the ruby process?

I do this: { sleep 0.1; }, "whatever").click #this causes an Alert()

I discovered this myself independently:  the way to handle popups is
in another thread.

Those unfamiliar with threads accomplish the same
thing by handling popups in another process altogether.
Not entirely true. What we found here was that most of the times, when a modal dialog pops up, the calling process and all its child threads wait for the modal dialog to be dismissed before continuing executing. Spawning another process solves this problem. In fact, in one of my experiments I found that even when a child thread opens a modal dialog, the owner thread also waits till the dialog is dismissed. ( I was trying to check if it is possible to call some of the potential dialog creators like clicking etc., could be started off on a separate thread)

(Some silly
people have handled popups with an entirely different script running
in another scripting *language* altogether...)

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