Thanks, Mark.  I did as you suggest and executed each line in irb, and here it what I got, still an error even with capital S and small s:

irb(main):014:0> cdoMail ="CDO.Message")

=> #<WIN32OLE:0x2b262c0>

irb(main):015:0> cdoMail.From = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"


irb(main):016:0> cdoMail.To = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"


irb(main):017:0> cdoMail.Subject = "This is a test"

=> "This is a test"

irb(main):018:0> cdoMail.TextBody = "This is a test - body"

=> "This is a test - body"

irb(main):019:0> cdoMail.Send

WIN32OLERuntimeError: Send

    OLE error code:80040220 in CDO.Message.1

      The "SendUsing" configuration value is invalid.


    HRESULT error code:0x80020009

      Exception occurred.

        from (irb):19:in `method_missing'

        from (irb):19

        from ♥:0

irb(main):020:0> cdoMail.send

ArgumentError: no method name given

        from (irb):20:in `send'

        from (irb):20

        from ♥:0

irb(main):021:0> cdoMail.Send

WIN32OLERuntimeError: Send

    OLE error code:80040220 in CDO.Message.1

      The "SendUsing" configuration value is invalid.


    HRESULT error code:0x80020009

      Exception occurred.

        from (irb):21:in `method_missing'

        from (irb):21

        from ♥:0

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