Hello All,
I've been having fun working with/evaluating WATIR and its looking pretty good. But our products have quite a few modal dialogs. I've got a simple ok,cancel dialog with the title "Microsoft Internet Explorer" to work with
Thread.new { sleep 0.1; WindowHelper.new.push_confirm_button_ok }
but on a more complex model dialog I haven't been able to even get the cancel button to work yet.
I suspect its because the name of the pop up window is "New Document Details Selection -- Web Page Dialog" instead of "Microsoft Internet Explorer".
This modal dialog that I'm trying to automate has three select lists. The third one is disabled until specific items have been selected from the first two select lists. It then has a text box that holds a date (automatically filled so don't care about this for now), and OK and Cancel buttons.
WindowHelper doesn't have any methods for setting values in select lists or for grabbing pop ups that are not titled "Microsoft Internet Explorer". What do I need to do to get this to work. I've had a bit of a look at autoit and presume I need to add some code into WinHelper.rb. I've only been using WATIR and Ruby for about a week though.
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