Hi All,
Currently, Watir input data into control so slow. Bc it input one by one

But we can do this for increase watir input data into control by change
a little bit core code of watir
I change a little bit code in watir.rd and got the speed increase very
fast. I think the Watir develop team can look at it again, If found it
is useful, Watir team can update the core Watir in next release.

My change code as like that:

def doKeyPress( value )
# ---- Remove this orginal code -----------
        #for i in 0 .. value.length-1   
        #   sleep @ieController.typingspeed   # typing speed
        #  c = value[i,1]
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]  " adding c.chr " + c  #.chr.to_s
        # @o.value = @o.value.to_s + c   #c.chr
# ------- My change code -------------------------------- 
        @o.value = value

Anyway, I just test it with a little bit code

Best regards,

Hue Mach

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