I suggest that you put your library methods in a Module. Thus:

# library.rb
module MyLibrary
  def my_library_method(arg)
        # code...

# tests.rb
require 'test/unit'
require 'library.rb'

class TC1 << Test::Unit::TestCase
  include MyLibrary
  def test_method
    my_library_method arg
    # more code

At 04:39 PM 8/19/2005, Joe Yakich wrote:


I m testing a fairly complicated web application. We have been using Canoo WebTest for GUI testing, but we decided to try out Watir and we ve been very pleased with it so far.

Because of the complexity, I wanted to have a layer (a library or API type level) containing Watir calls and then have the test scripts themselves require the library classes. (Note that I am not wedded to classes if they are inappropriate; modules would be just fine.) I had hoped to insulate most of the Watir calls in the library, partly to localize changes if the application under test changes, partly to make writing the actual scripts easier for others, and partly to make the logic of the actual test case more apparent.

Anyway, my primary problem is this: I thought it would be convenient to put assert() calls in the library class (Login.rb, below), but when I do so and run the test script (test_login.rb, below), those assertions are not counted up when the test script runs, although if I introduce a failure, the failure count does include the error. That is, I see this:

1 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors [ when the test script passes]

1 tests, 0 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors [ when the test script fails ]

when I was expecting this:

1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors [ when the test script passes]

1 tests, 1 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors [ when the test script fails ]

Directly inheriting Test::Unit::TestCase in my library didn t seem to work, either, as then I get messages like No tests were specified.

Secondarily, if anyone has suggestions on how to better set up a similar library/script hierarchy, I would love to hear them. I m new to Ruby and Watir, so suggestions about coding style, naming, etc. are welcomed as well.

Code follows (note that I edited the code for brevity and that it s possible that it won t actually run, but I thought it was sufficient for illustration):


# test_login.rb

# The actual test script (edited for brevity)



require 'Login/Login'

require 'watir'

require 'test/unit'

class SimpleLogin < Test::Unit::TestCase

  include Watir

  @username = 'username'

  @password = 'password'

  @url = 'http://www.fake_url.com/login_page.html'

  def test_login

    ie = IE.new

    l = Login.new()

    l.login(ie, @url, @username, @password)




# Login.rb

# The Login class (edited for brevity)


class Login

  require 'test/unit'

  require 'test/unit/assertions'

  require 'watir'

  include Watir

  include Test::Unit::Assertions

  def login(ie, url, username, password)


    ie.link(:text, "site login").click

    ie.text_field(:name, "username").set(username)

    ie.text_field(:name, "password").set(password)

    ie.button(:name, 'submitBtn').click

    assert(ie.contains_text("Welcome #{username}"))




# End of code


Thank you!

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