At 10:29 AM 10/1/2005, Peter wrote:
>I am using WATIR to test a web application and have hit some problems. I 
>have reproduced the issue with an external website. My questions are:
>1. Can I safely ignore the frame error in waitdocument   (it was been the 
>topic of previous threads) [I get this error on both my internal website 
>that I am testing as well as this external website].

Yes. An error message was removed from waitdocument in Watir 1.4.1. If you 
still see an error message, then it is something else from what we discussed.

>2. How do I access frames (show_objects, click link etc) that return 
>--Access Denied .
>v      I am able to see the HTML on the screen (by right button view source)
>v      ie.show_frames shows one of the frames as --Access Denied .
>v      The second frame does not seem to appear in a show_all_objects
>v      Attempting to access the second frame via index results in an error 
>`method_missing': document (WIN32OLERuntimeError)
>v      I have verified that the same commands work for Frame 1 (which does 
>not report access denied)

One workaround is to get the URL for the access-denied frame (which you 
should be able to get). And then open an IE browser that directly hosts 
that URL. This workaround may or may not be acceptable depending on your 

The only other workaround is to have your developers set up the pages 
hosted by separate subdomains to reference a common domain. This approach 
wouldn't apply to the specific example in your script 
but it is applicable to many of the common situations that run into the 
access-denied problem. For more details, see


  Bret Pettichord

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