btw, when I said "includes" I mean my "require" statement ... sorry, I've still got a C++ heart ... just wanted to clarify.


On 12/5/05, Jeff Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I *normally* run WATiR through the Gem installed version.

That said, when I am working with a script that I know will rely on the development version I simply add a line to the top of my script that puts the development version at the TOP of the include path...

$:.unshift "C:\\watir_cvs\\watir"

then when I do my includes, it catches the dev version first ...

That way, if I haven't added that to a script, I know that I'm using the Gem installed version...

Also, you can validate this behavior with:

# just to make sure you are running the right stuff...
puts Watir::IE.const_get( "VERSION" )
puts Watir::IE.const_get( "REVISION" )

... that usually does it for me, you tend to get to know the version information pretty quickly this way.

Hope that provides what you are/were looking for.


On 12/5/05, Warren Pollans <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

I've taken a few months away from watir to learn and use selenium under
linux.  I'm ready to start using watir again - had been running watir
from an old win2k-pro box.  I now have a new dell laptop that will
probably dual-boot XP and linux so I can use both selenium and watir.

I'd like to use the latest and greatest version of watir.

QUESTION:  If I use the development version, can I revert to a more
stable version if there is a problem?  Would it just be a question of
replacing some modules?  Where would I get the development version?
CAUTION:  I know ruby, but I'm barely literate when it comes to



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