I guess nothing happens.


> When I look at this HTML...
> <div id='LineTab' style='position:absolute;  left:0px; top:12px; width:595px;
> height:30px; z-index:1;align=left;visibility:hidden;'>
> <table width='595' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border=0 align='center'>
> <tr><td width='10'><img name='a' src='/tc/img/en/a.gif' width='10' height='20'
> border='0'/></td>
> <td width='81' background='/tc/img/en/tab_on3.gif'  class='blktext1'
> align='center' valign='bottom' onClick='doCarrierTab();'
> style='cursor:hand'>Detail<br><img name='a' src='tc/img/a.gif' width='1'
> height='3' border='0'/></td>
> <td width='81' background='/tc/img/en/on_tab.gif'  class='blktext1'
> align='center' valign='bottom'>Contents<br><img name='a' src='a.gif' width='1'
> height='3' border='0'/></td>
> <td width='423'><img name='a' src='/tc/img/en/a.gif' width='423' height='20'
> border='0'/></td>
> </tr>
> </table>
> </div>
> ...I can see how clicking on Details would cause the 'doCarrierTab()' function
> to be called.
> What I don't see is the action associated with Contents.  There's a background
> image, a class name, horizontal and vertical alignment, the word "Contents",
> an image (evidently) below the word "Contents"... and then what?
> What happens when you click "Contents" with your mouse, in a browser, outside
> of anything to do with WATIR?
> ---Michael B.
> DevelopSense:  Software Testing in Plain English
> http://www.developsense.com
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