I installed watir from tarball, but now I have another problem.When I start 
firefox from cmd
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox>firefox.exe -jssh
"JSSH: A Java Secure Shell client library" page 
Then I check if JSSh is listening on port 9997 but I get error message.
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox>telnet localhost 9997Connecting To 
localhost...Could not open connection to the host, onport 9997: Connect failed
I remember this also happened several times yesterday. Is this 
becausewww.croczilla.com/jssh is unavailable?
On 3/15/06, Angrez Singh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> Hi Zeljko,>> You are not 
doing anything wrong here. The current version for Firefox is in> sync with 
what is available on the tar ball. So the 'watir.rb' in Firefox> extension is 
refactored version of 'watir.rb' file that is available on the> HEAD. So I 
think that is the source of error.>> So, what you should do is download the 
latest tar ball, install watir from> that tar ball & then apply the Firefox 
extension. Let me know if this works.
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