
I remember, Bret, that you were opposed to the whole recorder concept when I lower-case-L "launched" WatirMaker a while back. I understood why and I continue to respect your opinion.

I was opposed to AOL when I was a Compuserve user. Noobs are noobs. Mort is Mort and not everyone can be an Elvis or an Einstein. There's a few issues here, IMHO and I think that most folks would agree:

* Watir is easy, but some folks (of all skill levels) like to jump start with a recorder. These folks should have a tool. Watir shouldn't be relegated to the literati.
* WatirMaker was written in C# because I'm a Ruby Noob. It's lame and it was written for me. It's not a good recorder to start with even though Saud and others have expanded it.
* WatirWebRecorder was a nice thing for MJTNet to release and it's way better than WatirMaker. I pimped it appropriately and spread the word because Noobs were suffering and I knew that Watir was the answer. A recorder was just the "gateway drug" to getting them on the Watir wagon.
* An open source Recorder is a good idea. I respect why Marcus can't release WatirWebRecorder as OS.
* Michael Kelly (cc'ed) has the framework of a Ruby-based WatirMaker that, IMHO, is quite clever, and I'd hope he'd give it to the people and the people would build a recorder around it. Count me in.

All that said, Bret, I respect your ability, your opinions, and your freedom of speech and right to call "B.S" when you see it, but this whole thread could have been handled with more grace.

It's a shame that WatirWebRecorder was yanked, but that's Marcus' right as well. Noobs will lose out in the short term, but hopefully a Ruby-based Recorder (or several specific variants) will rise quickly to fill the vacuum.

In conclusion - Michael, can we start with your recorder and make something useful?

Scott Hanselman

On 3/24/06, saud aziz < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I was not using WebRecorder, but rather modified version of WatirMaker by Scott. And still do every now and then to capture chunks of code that i can later modify to create more structured and better script. And space(s) never was or is a problem in that tool. It definately has something to do with gmail as i was able to make the script work by making small modification to use "Button" instead of "image" for image buttons per your (Bret) suggestion.

Scott's Original along with my small modification(s) in seperate directory along with code is available from:


You can test it your yourself whether or not it adds extra spaces.

Also i agree with most here that recorders should have their own mailing list as they have several issues of their own.


On 3/24/06, Bret Pettichord <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
On 3/23/06, Marcus Tettmar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been keeping a close eye on this list but apart from the forms issue,
> which I raised myself, and one posting that brought the spaces thing to my
> attention, I wasn't aware of any extra support issues directly related to
> webrecorder or anything to the effect of "the recorder works, but watir
> doesn't" as you have suggested.  Had I seen anything like that I would have
> jumped right in, I can assure you.

On 3/24/06, Marcus Tettmar <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> On 3/24/06, Bret Pettichord < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> > We have had many people send problem scripts and the problem was that
> > there were extra spaces. This is the problem you just sent mail about
> > fixing. This was the first i'd heard that this frequently discussed
> > problem was actually a webrecorder bug and not an emailer issue, as
> > had been frequently suggested. I didn't see you jumping in on these
> > problems.
> I recall one email about that.  I wasn't aware that it was frequently
> discussed.  I have been following the list.  Someone emailed me about the
> spaces and I looked into it and fixed it.  I perhaps should have gone back
> over the list and replied to specific posts.  I really am sorry if I missed
> it earlier.

On Mar 15 you said: "My script doesn't have the space in - must have
happened somehow when pasting it into gmail."

On Mar 10, Tanushree reported a script with an extra space in it. He
was using the web recorder. Zeljko responded to his email pointing out
this problem. I did not see you "jump right in."

On Feb 23, Saud Aziz had a problem with extra spaces in his script. It
was also blamed on gmail. It's not clear whether he was using the

After reviewing the email records, it occurs to me that there is
actually a possibility that there are two extra space bugs -- one in
gmail and one in WebRecorder. On the other hand, i don't recall seeing
this extra space problem show up on this list at all before
WebRecorder was released. I really don't know.

It would have been of service to the open-source community that is
supporting your commercial product to if you had acknowledged your
extra-space bug when you became aware of it. It would also be helpful
if you would help us understand the degree to which this common
problem has been due to the WebRecorder.


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Saud Aziz

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain

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Scott Hanselman
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