Thanks for solving this problem.

Now that we have a click_no_wait method, we shouldn't have to resort to external *.rb files in the first place.


On 6/1/06, Michael Ruschena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I encountered this problem yesterday, and unlike the mail archives, I have
an answer. I was getting exactly the behavior described below:
1) I would run a script using file_field.set
2) The script would get to the set method
3a) the choose file window would be invoked
3b) the file setFileDialog.rb would be opened in my ruby editor
3c) the script would sit there waiting for me to take manual action.
4) As soon as I take manual action to close the window, the script would
Messing around with autoit, and the other suggestions didn't help at all.

The problem seems to be caused by associating *.rb files with an IDE. When
the set method attempts to start the thread that manipulates the Choose File
window, the operating system directs the script to the IDE rather than to
Ruby. As soon as I changed the association to the Ruby executable, the
file_field set method worked happily. (Well, not quite happily... The method
still doesn't like spaces in the path name, but that's an easy problem to

I assume that Watir launching a new thread and telling the thread to execute
setFileDialog.rb, while what it needs to do is tell the thread to execute
setFileDialog.rb *with Ruby*. Either that or people getting this bug need to
change the file associations.

Michael Ruschena


Cain, Mark
Thu, 12 Jan 2006 07:32:28 -0800

What behavior do you see?  When my script runs I see a Dos window open with
focus (just like WinClicker), then the file chooser window open under the
Dos window.  The Dos window scrolls through all the objects open and finally
gets to the File Chooser window, the document name (from $path) appears in
the file name field, the open button is clicked and that information is
transferred to the file_field text boxes.  Finally the submit button is
clicked and the file is attached.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of chaya shetty
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 10:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Wtr-general] How can I open and attach


I tried as said...Even then I am facing the same problem.

Code Used:

$path = "C:/Watir/file.txt"

$autoit ="AutoItX3.Control")

$autoit.WinWait("Choose file", "Do you want to open or save this file?", 3)

$autoit.WinActivate("Choose file")

$autoit.WinWait("Choose file", "Look &in", 3)

$autoit.ControlSetText("Choose file", "", "Edit1", "#{$path}")

$autoit.ControlClick("Choose file", "Look &in", "&Open")

$ie.button(:name, "Open").click
    The file field highlights(yellow)and opens choose file dialog along with
another ruby file with contents:

#  setFileDialog.rb
# This file contains the file dialog when it runs as a separate process

$LOAD_PATH <&! lt; File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname (__FILE__), '..'))
require 'watir/winClicker'

filepath = "invalid path passed to setFileDialog.rb"
filepath = ARGV[0] unless ARGV[0] == nil

clicker.setFileRequesterFileName (filepath)
clicker = nil

Then it waits for me to manually select the file and attach.

I have ensured that the path is correct and there is a text file viz. file
in the Watir folder.



"Cain, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

        Replace all your $autoit lines with this:

            $autoit ="AutoItX3.Control ")

            $autoit.WinWait("Choose file", "Do you want to open or save this
file?", 3)

            $autoit.WinActivate("Choose file")

            $autoit.WinWait("Choose file", "Look &in", 3)

            $autoit.ControlSetText("Choose file", "", "Edit1", "#{$path}")

            $autoit.ControlClick("Choose file", "Look &in", "&Open")

        I don't know if it will make a difference but my script needed the
WinWait's left in to work right.  Also, it took a little time for autoit to
find the window so don't get impatient.

        Hope this helps,



                From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of chaya shetty
        Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 9:27 PM
        Subject: Re: [Wtr-general] How can I open and attach file


          There is only one file field in the page and hence I tried with

           path = "C\:Watir\Text.doc"


            $autoit ="AutoItX3.Control")

           $autoit.WinActivate("Choose file")

           $autoit.ControlSetText("Choose file", "", "Edit1", "#{path}")

           $autoit.ControlClick("Choose file", "Look &in", "&Open")

            $ie.button(:name, "Submit").click

        B! ut still the same behaviour was seen.

        The file field was accessed and the "Choose File" window opened and
waited till I manually selected the file.



        "Cain, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

                Yes, the problem is (:value, 'Value') in this line:


                ! The file_field supports these attributes:  :id, :name,
:index.  Do a view source and find out what the attribute values for your
<input type = file> tag.  If for some reason your developers were lazy and
didn't give the tag an id or name attribute, use index.  If there are more
than one <input type = file> tag on the page the indexing starts top-most
down with 1 and increments from there.

                Here is the usage portion for file_field from Watir.rb:

                        # This is the main me! thod for accessing a file
field. Usually an <input type = file> HTML tag.

                        #  *  how   - symbol - how we access the field ,
:index, :id, :name etc

                        #  *  what  - string, int or re , what we are
looking for,


                        # returns a FileField object


                        # Typical Usage


                        #    ie.file_field (:id,   'up_1')
# access the file upload field with an ID of up_1

                        #    ie.file_field(:name, 'upload')               #
access the file upload field with a name of upload

                        #     ie.file_field(:index, 2)
# access the second file upload on the page ( 1 based, so the first field is
accessed with :index,1)

                Hope this helps,



                                From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL
PROTECTED] On Behalf Of chaya shetty
                Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 4:45 AM
                Subject: Re: [Wtr-general] How can I open and attach file
using file_fieldmethod?


                    I  tried with
                    path = "C\:Watir\Text.doc"


                    $autoit = ("AutoItX3.Control")

                   $autoit.WinActivate("Choose file")

                   $autoit.ControlSetText("Choose file", "", "Edit1",

                   $autoit.ControlClick("Choose file", "Look &in", "&Open")

                    $ie.button(:name, "Submit").click

                But the same behaviour persists.

                i.e. the "Choose File" window opens and waits till you
manually select the file.

                Can't  ie.file_field(:value,'Value').set(#{path})
automatically set the path?




                Amitha Shetty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


                        How can I open and attach file using file_field

                        when I try,


                        I get "choose file"-window open .It waits for me, to
choose a file and
                        click "open" or whatever the button is called) ,
after that it
                        continues normally, by submitting the file_field
content. Why doesn't he choose a file by himself?How do I handle this?

                        I have ensured that there is no space in the path
and the file exists in C: )
                        I get the same error when I run filefield_test in
Unittests in watir folder.



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