
What I've done in the past is to create a new method, Element#html= 
which allows you to replace the outerHTML for any element:

class Watir::Element
  def html=(new_html)
      @o.outerHTML = new_html

Unfortunately, when playing with your top level document that contains 
the frameset there wasn't any Watir::Element I could grab.  I tried 
doing it manually by taking different document elements on that top page 
and trying to do the change like:

ie.document.body.outerhtml = "<BODY>test</BODY>"

Even though e.document.body.ole_put_methods shows that we should be able 
to do this (an outerHTML put call exists) when tried I got the following 

irb(main):029:0> ie.document.body.outerhtml = "<BODY>test</BODY>"
    OLE error code:800A0258 in htmlfile
      <No Description>
    HRESULT error code:0x80020009
      Exception occurred.
        from (irb):29:in `method_missing'
        from (irb):29

So in Tyler's case, I was unable to find a way to change the frame 
element in his top HTML.  However, I often use this replacement 
technique to prevent popups by changing the HTML attributes like this:

ie.text_field(:id, 'xxx').html = ie.text_field(:id, 'xxx').html.sub(/ 
onclick=\S+/, '')

which clears out the onclick=... from the element.


Bret Pettichord wrote:
> On 6/1/06, *Tyler Prete* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     Well I may not even have to deal with it anymore, but how would I
>     change this manually?  I do not have control over the HTML in the
>     page, I am only interacting with it via Watir.
> By design, Watir is a tool for automating things that you can do 
> manually. If you don't know how to do it manually, then Watir is 
> probably the wrong tool for you.
> Bret
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